Give your loved one with a surprise of Cake doll
Size 18 cm cake doll
Originally its a barbie doll
For customize of doll price will change
Tsubasa doll 3,155 yen
Licca doll 1,980 yen
Reservation 1 week advance is required .
Choose flavor: Choco moist cake with oreo frosting OR vanilla cake with strawberry frosting
Kindly send message for customization before checkout.
Delivery fee chakubarai
Give your loved one with a surprise of Cake doll
Size 18 cm cake doll
Paper topper Elsa, snow flakes, age, Birthday topper.
Reservation 1 week advance is required .
Choose flavor: Choco moist cake with oreo frosting OR vanilla cake with strawberry frosting
Kindly send message for customization before checkout.
Name and Age required
Delivery fee chakubarai
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